MacWorld 1999 November
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Visual Plug-in API
©1999, @soft
Description: The plugin API for MacAMP visual plugins (windowed
and full-screen).
Version: 1.2
Released: 7/11/99
Compatibility: MacAMP 1.0
Version history:
Date Who Changes
071199 SKA Changed a few callbacks, commented the file a little
070899 SKA Added two new hooks for plugins.
All visual plugins has to be recompiled.
061999 SKA Added GetSoundBuffer hook for direct access to sound
050299 SKA Initial release
043099 SKA Started the work
SKA = Slava Karpenko
#pragma once
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define VP_API_VERSION 0x0120
#define plugVisual 'VIS!'
// Flags for VisInfoBlock.flags
enum {
vpFlagStartOnLaunch = 0x0001, // The plugin will be started on application launch time
vpFlagHideInMenu = 0x0002, // The plugin will not be shown in menu
vpFlagStartOnLaunchMask = (1L << 0),
vpFlagHideInMenuMask = (1L << 1)
// useful macros to quickly set headers/footers of VPInfoBlock
#define VP_INFOBLOCK_HEADER(a,b) VP_API_VERSION, plugVisual, a, b, nil
#define VP_INFOBLOCK_HEADER_WITH_FLAGS(a,b,c) VP_API_VERSION, plugVisual, a, b, c
#define VP_INFOBLOCK_FOOTER nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
enum {
// Plugin return codes
errVisNoErr = noErr,
errVisTerminate = 666, // terminate the plugin
errVisNoMemory, // terminate the plugin and display no memory alert
errVisCustom // MacAMP will call VisError function and terminate your
// plugin if you request to.
// Called when the plugin is initialized. You get the FSSpec to the plugin file
// (for opening resfork if you need to). You shall return WindowPtr to your plugin (if you create any).
extern OSStatus VisInitialize(FSSpecPtr inPlugin, WindowPtr* outWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// Called on termination. Plugin should dispose all buffers/structures it had and prepare
// the mind for ethernity. Disposing window is your plugin's responsibility as well.
extern OSStatus VisTerminate(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// Called whenever MacAMP has some free time. If you're a full-screen plugin, you get this event more often.
extern OSStatus VisIdle(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// Display About box or do some about graphic in the plugin window.
extern OSStatus VisAbout(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// Draw whatever you want to. Called periodically to ensure steady effect flow.
extern OSStatus VisDraw(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// This function is called when user clicks in window that is controlled by your plugin.
// You can do what you want with that click.
extern OSStatus VisClick(WindowPtr inWindow, Point inClick, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// This function is called when user presses a key. Note that MacAMP gets this key as well
// as all other visual plugins.
extern OSStatus VisKeyDown(WindowPtr inWindow, EventRecord* inEvent, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// This function is called when window-specific event is posted for your visual plugin.
// If you have this set, it can override VisDraw function, and it is called when MacAMP
// wants your plugin to redraw.
extern OSStatus VisMacEvent(WindowPtr inWindow, EventRecord* inEvent, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// This function called if you return errVisCustom. You should copy the error string
// and errNum (optionally) and return whether the error is fatal or not. If this function
// returns true, MacAMP terminates your plugin, otherwise continues execution.
extern Boolean VisError(StringPtr outErrString, OSStatus* outErrNum);
// If you define this function in your gPlugInfo, MacAMP will add a corresponding item into
// 'Settings' submenu of plugins menu and will call this function when user chooses it.
// You can display settings dialog, and do whatever you want.
extern OSStatus VisSettings(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// These functions are called when track in MacAMP is started or stopped. You can clear draw area
// etc here. Note that you can also use ma->GetStatus callback to get the current status.
extern OSStatus VisTrackBegin(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
extern OSStatus VisTrackEnd(WindowPtr inWindow, UInt32* ioRefcon);
// •Plugin callbacks
typedef OSStatus (*visInitProcPtr)(FSSpecPtr, WindowPtr*, UInt32*);
typedef OSStatus (*visGenericProcPtr)(WindowPtr, UInt32*);
typedef OSStatus (*visClickProcPtr)(WindowPtr, Point, UInt32*);
typedef OSStatus (*visEventProcPtr)(WindowPtr, EventRecord*, UInt32*);
typedef Boolean (*visErrorProcPtr)(StringPtr, OSStatus*);
// •MacAMP Callbacks
// You can call these anytime you want.
typedef void (*maVisGetValuesArray)(UInt8** outArray, UInt16* outArraySize);
// Get an array of pre-computed values for frequences.
// Every value represents one frequency, and can be in range #0-232.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outArray = pointer to values array
// outArraySize = size of the array
// Returns:
// nothing
typedef void (*maVisGetFFTArray)(double** outFFT, UInt16* outFFTSize);
// Get FFT array. First half of the array are real parts, second - imaginary.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outFFT = pointer to raw fft array (or nil, if not available)
// outBufferSize = size of the array
// Returns:
// nothing
typedef void (*maVisGetSoundBuffer)(Ptr* outSoundBuffer, UInt16* outBufferSize);
// Get current sound buffer.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outSoundBuffer = pointer to sound buffer being played (or nil, if no track is playing)
// outBufferSize = size of the buffer, in bytes
// Returns:
// nothing
typedef void (*maVisGetStatus)(UInt32* outTimer, UInt32* outStatus);
// Get status of thge player (timer, states of repeat, random, sleep etc).
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outTimer = timer, in seconds
// outStatus = flags field containing status* constants.
// (for example, to check if Random mode is set, check for (outStatus & statusRandom))
// Returns:
// nothing
// Status codes
enum {
statusRandom = (1L << 0),
statusSleep = (1L << 1),
statusRepeat = (1L << 2),
statusRepeat1 = (1L << 3),
statusPlaying = (1L << 4),
statusPaused = (1L << 5),
statusStopped = (1L << 6)
typedef OSStatus (*maVisGetTrackLocationProcPtr)(OSType* outType, Ptr* outData);
// Get current track location.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outType = location type, either locationFile, locationURL or locationNone
// outData = location data (depends on outType, see below)
// Returns:
// noErr = lyrics information fetched.
// resNotFound = no track is playing at the moment.
// Location types
enum {
locationFile = 'file', // outData = FSSpecPtr
locationURL = 'url ', // outData = char* (C string)
locationNone = 'none' // outData = void, does not contains valid data
typedef OSStatus (*maVisGetID3InformationProcPtr)(StringPtr outArtist, StringPtr outTitle, StringPtr outAlbum, StringPtr outYear, Ptr* outLyrics);
// Get current track ID3 information.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// outArtist = artist
// outTitle = title
// outAlbum = album (if available, or nil)
// outYear = year (if available, or nil)
// outLyrics = lyrics (if available, or nil)
// Returns:
// noErr = lyrics information fetched.
// resNotFound = no track is playing at the moment.
typedef QDGlobalsPtr (*maVisGetQDPtrProcPtr)(void);
// Return the pointer to QD globals (qd->...).
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// none
// Returns:
// pointer to qd globals
typedef void (*maVisEnterFullScreen)(OSType inAuthorID, OSType inPluginID);
// Notify MacAMP of your plugin entering full-screen mode.
// After this call MacAMP hides all its windows, and suspends processing other visual plugins
// to ensure maximum CPU time available for your plugin.
// Input:
// inAuthorID = author ID as defined in VisInfoBlock structure
// inPlugID = plugin ID as defined in VisInfoBlock structure
// Output:
// none
// Returns:
// nothing
// Note: if you pass author/plugin IDs different than defined in your VisInfoBlock, that could cause
// abnormal MacAMP behavior.
typedef void (*maVisExitFullScreen)(void);
// Notify MacAMP of your plugin exiting full-screen mode.
// All previously hidden windows will be shown again, and other visual plugins will get events.
// Input:
// none
// Output:
// none
// Returns:
// nothing
typedef OSStatus (*maVisSavePrefs)(OSType inAuthorID, OSType inPluginID, Ptr inBuffer, UInt16 inSize);
// Save plugin-specific preferences in MacAMP Data file located in System Folder.
// Input:
// inAuthorID = authorID of plugin
// inPluginID = pluginID of plugin
// inBuffer = pointer to buffer containing preferences chunk to be saved
// inSize = size of buffer to be saved
// Output:
// none
// Returns:
// noErr = preferences saved successfully.
// memFullErr = an unknown, probably memory-related error has occurred.
typedef OSStatus (*maVisReadPrefs)(OSType inAuthorID, OSType inPluginID, Ptr inBuffer, UInt16* ioSize);
// Read plugin-specific preferences you have saved before with SavePrefs hook.
// Input:
// inAuthorID = authorID of plugin
// inPluginID = pluginID of plugin
// inBuffer = pointer to pre-allocated buffer to store preferences
// ioSize = size of allocated buffer
// Output:
// ioSize = actual size of preferences
// Returns:
// noErr = preferences read successfully.
// resNotFound = unable to find such preferences chunk
// memFullErr = size of preferences chunk exceeds size of allocated buffer
// (ioSize contains size of preferences chunk)
// Various structures
#pragma options align=power
// This is the structure for MacAMP callbacks.
typedef struct {
maVisGetValuesArray GetValues;
maVisGetFFTArray GetFFT;
maVisGetStatus GetStatus;
maVisGetTrackLocationProcPtr GetTrackLocation;
maVisGetID3InformationProcPtr GetID3Information;
maVisGetQDPtrProcPtr GetQDGlobals;
// Full-screen mode
maVisEnterFullScreen EnterFullScreen;
maVisExitFullScreen ExitFullScreen;
// Storing and reading prefs
maVisReadPrefs ReadPrefs;
maVisSavePrefs SavePrefs;
// New for 1.01
maVisGetSoundBuffer GetSoundBuffer;
} VPCallbacks, *VPCallbacksPtr;
// Main structure for the plugin. Main entry point for the PEF fragment should point to
// a global variable of this type.
typedef struct {
UInt16 api; // API used. Should always contain VP_API_VERSION
OSType type; // Plugin type. Should be plugVisual.
OSType authorID; // Author ID should be registered with @soft to prevent
// incompatibilities. mailto:devsupport@at-soft.net or
// mailto:devsupport@macamp.com
OSType pluginID; // Plugin ID can be anything the author wishes. It is
// used with author id to store plugin preferences etc
UInt32 flags; // Plugin flags
Str255 name; // Plugin name (displayed in Plugins menu)
visInitProcPtr initProc;
visGenericProcPtr terminateProc;
visGenericProcPtr idleProc; // set to nil if you don't want to be called at idle time
visGenericProcPtr aboutProc;
visGenericProcPtr drawProc;
visClickProcPtr clickProc;
visEventProcPtr keyDownProc; // set to nil if you don't want keydowns.
visEventProcPtr macEventProc; // set to nil if you don't want to handle update/click events manually.
visErrorProcPtr errorProc;
visGenericProcPtr settingsProc; // set to nil if you don't want to be displayed in settings submenu
visGenericProcPtr trackBeginProc;
visGenericProcPtr trackEndProc;
// Set these to nil. They are reserved for future expansion.
visGenericProcPtr reservedProc1;
visGenericProcPtr reservedProc2;
visGenericProcPtr reservedProc3;
visGenericProcPtr reservedProc4;
// Special APIs (Set to nil, MacAMP will set it to the right value)
VPCallbacksPtr ma;
} VPInfoBlock, *VPInfoPtr;
#pragma options align=reset
#ifdef __cplusplus